Shelter’s RFP

The RFP submittal is a branded deliverable that in some ways is unique to the field of architecture.  We assemble RFP submittals  in order to be considered for certain types of projects.  Many commercial, state, and federal clients issue a Request For Proposals (RFP) when they have a new project on the line, and we answer the call with an RFP submittal.

The RFP submittal has two primary functions.  First, it contains the information required by the RFP.  Typically this information is about the firm, principals, supporting staff, consultants, relevant project experience, project approach & understanding, and fees. Each piece of information is called out in the form of a page, profile, or table.  Second, the RFP submittal conveys a sense of the firm’s personality.  Submittals can contain content that is not required by the RFP, such as design approach and philosophy.  They can also showcase a firm’s aesthetic through graphic design, layout, and formatting.

RFPs in our industry are not standard.  Some prescribe highly detailed information organized in a highly detailed way.  Others offer no guidelines about the content or layout of the information.  Some must be submitted in paper format; others are displayed digitally.  We have developed and refined some great RFP templates over the years.  One of our favorites is the “widescreen” edition, which we use when the the RFP is wide open.  As part of our brand refresh, we updated it with our latest graphics.  Take a look at a few of the refreshed pages.

Malley Design put together typography and layout guidelines for our printed media, including RFP submittals.  They will allow us to standardize the branding across all of our printed items.  Malley also selected a “font family” and suggested specific typefaces and sizes for certain parts of the written content.


We can’t wait for the next RFP to cross our desks!